Our Services
Our team comprises a group of experienced oil and gas consultants who cover the key disciplines of:
- Field Development Planning
- Reservoir Analysis and Simulation
- Well Test Analysis and Interpretation
- Production Analysis and Optimisation
- Reservoir Fluid Sampling, Modelling and Analysis
- Geology and Geophysics
- Siesmic Interpretation and Analysis
- Petrophysical and Core Analysis
- Facilities Engineering and Flow Assurance
- Petroleum Economics
- Petroleum Equipment Supplies and Leasing
- Training, Mentoring and Field Technical Support
Our teams with combined experience of over a hundered years are routinely deployed to profer solutions with challenges associated with the above disciplines. As part of our core services, the following tools are used at expert level with the team
- The Kingdom Suite – Seismic Interpretation and Well Data Analysis
- Petrel – 3D Geological Modelling
- Eclipse Black Oil – Reservoir Modelling
- Eclipse Multi-component – Reservoir Modelling
- PVTi, PVTp – Petroleum Fluid Modelling
- GS Petrophysics – Petrophysical and Well Log Analysis
- Prosper – Well Analysis and Modelling
- Ecrin, Interpret - Well Test and Production Analysis
- TechSim – Reservoir Simulation
- MBAL - Material Balance Analysis
- GAP, AVOCET - Integrated Production Modelling
- Crystal Ball – Probabilistic Assessment
As our way of providing unparalleled consultancy services, we welcome the use of other analytical tools and software based upon client request.
Services - Training
We have successfully delivered the following training courses in Reservoir and Production Engineering maintaining A+ feedback
- Pressure Transient Analysis
- Reservoir Analysis and Simulation
- Well Test Analysis and Interpretation
- Integrated Production Modelling
- Managing Live Production Systems
Petroleum Assets Development Limited in association with Kaplan Hawkmere offer the following training courses usually client specific based on operational region.
- Petroleum Finance
- Oil and Gas Business and Managment Training
- Cooperate Management
Services - Assets Investments and Divestments
We have routinely supported companies in sourcing potential financial and technical partners for oil and gas assets around the world. An example of a current opportunity with discussions currently on-going is a deep Water Concession containing a light oil discovery via 3 successful exploration wells.
Water Depth 2400 - 2900m. Locked in the neighbourhood of producing fields and could be developed as either a regional production hub or as a tie-back to an existing production facility.
Over 700 MMBOE (500 MMSTB of Oil, 1400 BCF of Gas and 20MMSTB of Condensate). Exploration wells penetrated the Middle/Lower Miocene Stacked, thick, amalgamated channel reservoirs all containing light oil. Deeper Oligocene section unpenetrated. Current development plans requires 10 producer wells and 8 water injectors.
The key objective for this opportunity is accelerated development and production in line with Production Sharing Contract (PSC) targets.
Find Out More About Our Services..
Petroleum Assets Development Ltd
1st Floor, Suite 16, Plumpton House
Plumpton Road, Hoddesdon. EN11 0LB
United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (0) 199 267 7331
EM: info@petroleum-assets.com
3rd Floor ICIC,
113 Loop Street, Cape Town. 8001.
South Africa.
Tel: +27 (0) 82 487 2869
EM: info@petroleum-assets.com
4th Floor, 33 Kofo Abayomi Street,
Victoria Island, Lagos.
Tel: +234 (0) 810 757 5759
EM: info@petroleum-assets.com